World Government Gold Reserves

There is a strong chance the numbers are inaccurate since western world's Central Banks have purportedly leased out the Gold reserves while using accounting tricks to hide the facts, in order to push the Gold price down. Gold price is an indirect indicator of economic stability, the lower the price, the more stable the global economy appears.
There is a strong chance the numbers are inaccurate since western world's Central Banks have purportedly leased out the Gold reserves while using accounting tricks to hide the facts, in order to push the Gold price down. Gold price is an indirect indicator of economic stability, the lower the price, the more stable the global economy appears.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds 540,000 Gold bars. Germany stores 45% of their Gold with Federal Reserve, while according to official memo from Bank of England to Federal Reserve it is acknowledged that Gold delivered back to Germany has been 'bad delivery' bars, instead of 'good delivery'. Germany & Switzerland are concerned and are interested in getting the Gold they store w/ the Fed, back home.
A German court has recently demanded audit of Germany's Gold holdings, while the Central Bank of Germany has begun shipping 50 tones of Gold / year back home. Many other governments are engaging in Gold hoarding, including China,who imported more Gold in 2012 than all of ECB's holdings.